Born 1983 in Munich/Germany.

Patrizia Bach lives and works in Berlin, Istanbul and Serramonacesca. 

Bach’s main medium is drawing, while other subjects like wandering, archiving, collecting and reorganizing as well as the big city as memory store form the core interests of her artworks, which she develops mostly over several years.

Archive research is an essential part of her artistic practice. She currently works with the Salt Archive (Istanbul) and the private city archive of Aslı Odman and Jean-François Perouse (Istanbul), as well as with the archive of the GDR opposition in Berlin.
In the past, she has conducted research on the history of Villa Serpentara in the historical archive of the Akademie der Künste, Berlin, and on Walter Benjamin's Passages in the Walter Benjamin Archive (Berlin).
She has also established her own archive: The TOMIKO Archive.

Patrizia Bach was a visiting professor at the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies in Giessen in 2020.
In 2019 and 2020, she held workshops and presentations at the Burg Giebichenstein School of Art (Halle) and the Bern University of the Arts.
In 2022 she was a lecturer in art-related theory at the Kunsthochschule Mainz.

She has also given numerous lectures at various universities and institutions, including ZfL (Berlin); Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst (Leipzig); Akademie der bildenden Künste (Stuttgart, appointment lecture); Kunsthochschule Berlin, Weißensee; Hospitalhof Stuttgart; Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule (Halle); Hochschule für Künste (Bremen); Universität der Künste, Berlin; International Academy of Art, Ramallah, Palestine).


Her works are in the collection of Berlinische Galerie (Museum of Modern Art, Berlin) and at Paperfile, oqbo. 



Scholarships, Awards and Residencies

2024  grand prize, art in public space (Kunst am Bau) – Elisabeth-Selbert-Haus, Unter den Linden, Berlin – by the German Bundestag

2024  Villa Serpentara, Olevano Romano (IT)
by Akademie der Künste, Berlin (Residency, 3 months)

2024 – Alumni-Grant, Kulturakademie Tarabya, Istanbul

2024 – Künstlerhaus S11, Soloturn (CH)
(Residency, 2 months with DUA)

2023 – NEUSTARTplus-Scholarship, Stiftung Kunstfonds 

2022 – NEUSTART KULTUR-Scholarship, Stiftung Kunstfonds

2022 – Alumni-Grant, Kulturakademie Tarabya, Istanbul

2021/22 – Initial-Scholarship, Akademie der Künste, Berlin

2021 – Studio funding (Berlin Senate / BBK-Berlin)

2021 – Kulturakademie Tarabya, Istanbul (Residency, 8 months)

2021 Nomination or the Prix Walter Benjamin (as first artistic nomination)

2018  Akademie Schloß Solitude (Residency, 10 months)

2018  Stiftung Buchkunst, Shortlist of the most beautiful books in Germany
(Revoler Publishing, Berlin) (Award)

2017  Research-Scholarship, Berlin Senate

2016  Global-Scholarship, Berlin Senate

2016  Goethe Institut, Istanbul (financial support)

2014/15  DAAD-Scholarship for Istanbul

2014   Stiftung Kunstfond, Bonn (catalogue-funding)

2013/14  Nafög-Scholarship of Berlin

2012  Goethe Institut und NCCA, Nishny Novgorod (RU) 


Exhibitions (selection)

2024 – Group-Show and Book-Launch, Cathrin Pichler Archiv, Exhibit Galery, Vienna (AT)

2024 – Group-Show, awarded works of the art in public space competition by Deutsche Bundestag, Kronprinzenpalais, Berlin

2024 Publication-Launch, TOMIKO-Archiv F105, Weserburg Museum für Moderne Kunst, Bremen 

2024 – Group-Show, Mind the Mycelium, 40 Tage Festival, Vernetzung & Feminismus in der Kunst, Künstlerinnenverband Bremen: Schaufenstergalerie Mechtild Böger

2024 – Group-Show, Aus dem Koffer, Berlin, Hamburg, Köln, Stuttgart (initiated by Linienscharen)

2023 – Solo-Show / Presentation with the artist's collaborativ DUA (with Regina Dürig), S11, Solothurn (CH)

2022 – Group-Show, Hospitalhof Stuttgart

2022 – Solo-Show, on F119, with the artist's collaborativ DUA (with Regina Dürig), Pavillon am Milchhof, Berlin

2022 – Group Show, Images in Fashion – Clothing in Art, Berlinische Galerie, Berlin 

2021 – Group Show,10 Years Kulturakedemie Tarabya, Kunstraum Kreuzberg, Berlin

2021 – Group Show, Biennale für Freiburg, Kunstverein, Freibug

2021 – Group Show, Cantonale Berne Jura, Kunsthaus Langenthal, Langenthal, Switzerland

2020 – Group Show, Drawing the City,  Berlinische Galerie, Berlin

2020 – Group Show, Footnote 14: Angel of History,  Casa Sao Roque – Centro de Arte, Porto (Portugal)

2019 – Group Show, Engaging with Histories, Project Space Römerstraße 2A, Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart

2018 – Solo Show, Archive Works, DEPO Istanbul, Turkey

2017 – Group Show, Zeichensprache(n) Zeichnerinnen und Zeichner der Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee Galerie Parterre, Berlin 

2016 – Solo Show, Patrizia Bach as guest of the artist Nanne MeyerAtelierhaus Mengerzeile, Berlin

2016  Group Show, Past, in Each of its Moments be Citable – an Exhibition Project on Walter Benjamin’s Concept of History in the City of Istanbul (Idea, conception, realisation and own artistic participation), DEPO Istanbul, Turkey

2015  Exhibition, On the Colors and Symbols in Walter Benjamin’s Arcades Project in context of the event: Walter Benjamin in Palestine – on the Place and Nonplace of Radical Thought, International Academy of Art, Ramallah, Palestine

2015  Solo Show, On the Colors and Symbols in Walter Benjamin’s Arcades Project, LOTTE, Stuttgart
in cooperation with the German Literature Archive, Marbach

2014  Solo Show, On the Colors and Symbols in Walter Benjamin’s Arcades ProjectGallery Vice Versa/Revolver-Publishing, Berlin

2014  Group Show, STIPPVISITE, Kunsthalle am Hamburger Platz, Berlin (Exhibition of the Nafög-Scholarship holders 2013/14) 

2014 –  Group Show, Exhibition of the master students 2014, HO-Berlin

2012   Group Show, Walter Benjamin’s New Year Tree
at NCCA, Nizhny Novgorod (National Centre for Contemporary Art, Russia)

2011  Diplome-Exhibition, On the Colors and Symbols in Walter Benjamin’s Arcades ProjectAkademie der Künste, Berlin



– monographs | artist books | online-publications 

2024 – | online-publication of  one section of the TOMIKO Archiv with over 30 contributions by international artists (Launch: Weserbuch Museum for Modern Art, Bremen) 

2024 – Artist book: Patrizia Bach, von den in den Felsspalten zahllos hausenden Schlagen // sugli innumerevoli serpenti che dimorano nelle fessure rocciose, (de/it) [insert in the jubilee-publication of Villa Serpentara, edited by Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Clara Hermann, Anneka Metzger) 

2024 – (preview) – TOMIKO Archive | TOMIKO magazine No.1 – with Özge Kul 

2021 | online-publication of my collection of amateur-/family-photographs [launch: September 2021, Biennale für Freiburg]

2019 – Walter Benjamin: Tarih Kavrami Üzerine | On the Concept of History. artist-book in Turkish and English corresponding with the eponymous lecture-performance

2019 – TOMIKO Archive, Edition#7 [F107]. two related artists-books, each 479 pages, digital print, 21 x 29,7 cm
[Edition: 10 pieces; with support of Akademie Schloss Solitude]

2018 –  Patrizia Bach. Arcades-Works, Drawings on Walter Benjamin & Paris-City Map, on Walter Benjamin‘s Arcades Project, Revolver Publishing, Berlin, 2018 [Monograph; Texts: Kathrin Busch, Knut Ebeling]
Award: Shortlist of the most beautiful books, Stiftung Buchkunst

2018 – Patrizia Bach: Archive Works / Arsiv Isleri. Edited by DEPO, Istanbul, 2018 [Exhibition-Booklet]

2018 –  TOMIKO Archive, Edition#5 [F71] and Edition#6 [F100]. two related artists-books, each 273 and 535 pages, digital print, 21 x 29,7 cm
[Edition: 10 pieces; with support of DEPO, Istanbul]

2017  Patrizia Bach: Vergangenheit, in jedem ihrer Momente zitierbar. (Pst in Each of its Moments be Citable)
Workbook – with an Essay by Caroline Adler [Artist-book, 200 pages]

2014 –  Patrizia Bach.
online-publication, Walter Benjamin's Arcades Project]

2014 – Patrizia Bach. On the Colors and Symbols in Walter Benjamin’s Arcades Project. [poster edition], 84,1 × 118,9 cm, 50 pieces, Revolver Publishing, Berlin.

2010 –  TOMIKO Archive, Edition#4 [F20_01]. two related artists-books, each 607 pages, digital print, 21 x 29,7 cm
[Edition: 10 pieces]


– catalogues and contributions

2024 – The Archive As…  (Working Title), artistic contruibution of a body of 261 drawings on the photograohic Material of the Cathrin Pichler Archive, Vienna, edited by the Cathrin Pichler Archive, Magdalena Stöger, Leon Hösl, Wien (Mark Penzinger)

2023 – Artistic Friendship – Meeting Between the Lines, by Patrizia Bach & Regina Dürig, in: On Care. A Journey into the Relational Nature of Artists’ Residencieedited by Akademie Schloss Solitude and der Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice (Verlag für moderne Kunst)

2022 – Images in Fashion – Clothing in Art. Edited by Annelie Lütgens, exhibition catalogue, Berlinische Galerie (Wienand). 

2021 – Drawing the City – Paper-based Works from 1945 to the Present. edited by Thomas Köhler, Annelie Lütgens, and Berlinische Galerie, Köln, (Wienand). 

2021 – Innigkeit – by Patrizia Bach & Regina Dürig, in: Lexicon for Untranslatable Cultural Practices – Jubilee
Publication of „Akademie Schloss Solitude“
, edited by
Akademie Schloss Solitude, Elke aus dem Moore, Denise Helene Sumi (Archive Books)

2021 – Will Guthrie & James Rushford: Real Real World (Black Truffle Records) [Artwork for the vinyl]

2021 – Methods of Indirection: a Trialogue Between Patrizia Bach, Luis Berr os-Negrón, and Howard Eiland
about Walter Benjamin and Translating „the Arcades Project“
, in: JAR – Journal for Artistic Research

2019  Arcade Materials – YELLOW: History and Temporality. Edited by Sam Dolbear und Hannah Proctor, London 2019

2018  LOTTE, Land of The Temporary Eternaty. Edited by project space LOTTE, (Lostbooks) Stuttgart 2018, p. 158 

2017  The Lost Diagrams of Walter Benjamin. Edited by Helen Clarke and Sharon Kivland with Essays by Helen Clarke, Sam Dolbear and Christian A. Wollin, Pages 40/41 

2017  Zeichensprachen. Zeichnerinnen und Zeichner aus Weißensee. Edited by Kathleen Krenzlin, p. 16/17; Text: Stefan Koppelkamm and Christian Schiebe [Catalogue]

2017  Patrizia Bach: Zeichnungen zu Walter Benjamins Passagenarbeit / Kathrin Busch: Das Bild zur Lektüre. Zu den Zeichnungen von Patrizia Bach, in: Anderes Wissen, edited by Kathrin Busch, Merz Akademie Stuttgart, Paderborn 2016; pages 146–187.

2016  Her Anıyla Alıntılanan Geçmiş – Walter Benjamin‘in Tarih Kavramı Üzerine bir Sergi Denemesi; ‘Past in Each of its Moments be Citable’ – an exhibition project on Walter Benjamin‘s Concept of History in the City of Istanbul. Edited by DEPO, Istanbul 2016; [Catalogue; Text: Caroline Adler]

2014  ЕЛКА ВАЛЬТЕРА БЕНЬЯМИНА [Walter Benjamin’s Christmas Tree, Exhibition catalogue: Walter Benjamin’s New Year Tree, edited by NCCA, (national centre for contemporary art), Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 2014; Pages 72–75 & 158–159.

2014  Et eget oppslagsverk. Patrizia Bach er på sporet av hyperteksten i Passasjeverket. [A separate enzyclopedia. Patrizia Bach on the traces of the hypertexts of the Arcades Project], in: Vagant Magazin, Nr. 3/2014, Oslo, Norwegen 2014, edited by Audun Lindholm, Pages 48–54.

2010  Chinepinev / Cuentos de los Baure, Proyecto de la documentación del idioma Baure [Stories of Baure. Project-documentationof the Baure language], edited by the University of Leipzig, Swintha Danielsen, Lena Terhart.

2009  Olympics Beijing, in: Ein Magazin über Orte Nr.5 – Tatort, spring 2009, edited by Elmar Bambach, Julia Marquardt, Birgit Vogel, Berlin 2009; Pages 54–56

2009  Anonyme Zeichner Nr. 10, edited by Galerie Blütenweiß and Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin